Application Hosting
Using an Application Service Provider (ASP) to host the application means that you no longer face a large upfront investment in hardware, software and IT personnel. You also no longer have to worry about IT best practices to ensure that your data is secure, reliable and safe.
By taking advantage of economies of scale, Belengo and our ASP partner can provide optimum IT data centre environments with maximum access security, multiple power sources, fire prevention and detection, air conditioning and 24x7 operation - facilities that are out of reach for most fleet operators.
Now you can have the sophisticated functionality of a flexible transport solution without having to build and maintain the complex IT infrastructure. For a monthly fee, you can enjoy the powerful features of Belengo FTS, and the IT infrastructure needed to deliver it, using little more than an Internet connection and a web browser.
Why a hosted application?
What is an ASP?
How it works

Why a hosted application?
The benefits of the hosted model are:
Be up and running quickly - Belengo already has the equipment, application and expertise, so you can start using the solution as soon as you've configured it. The web-based subscription service means that you can be up and running in a matter of days.
Sophisticated application available - Belengo's world-class flexible transport solutions are now available for even the smallest fleet operator. No large capital expenditure required.
Excellent performance - Belengo's hosting partner implements best IT practices for superior levels of availability, security, back-up and disaster recovery. It's like having your own virtual IT department.
Financial predictability - Belengo's delivers software as a service for a flat subscription fee. For our customer's this means that the unpredictable expenditure for hardware, applications and IT management can be reduced.
Reduced risk - With no capital expenditure on software, hardware or additional IT staff, fleet operators can try new solutions with minimal risk.
Improved cash flow - Software as a service means a lower up-front investment and predictable monthly payments, resulting in improved cash flow.
Scalability - For a fleet operator with a focus on growth, it is easy to expand to additional fleets and locations as your business grows.
Available anywhere - As you only need an Internet connection to access the application, you are able to input information and run reports wherever you are, in the office, at a client, at home or traveling.
Operational freedom - By outsourcing the management of the application, internal resources are free to focus on your core business and growing the business.
Shorter application development timeframe - With a hosted solution, all users are updated with the latest version of the software at once, so the delay is minimal between the release of the new version and when you can start using it. Development cycles are also reduced and new features can appear much more quickly than traditional development approaches. Plus with a subscription service, you're continually using the latest software and not paying extra for costly upgrades.
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What is an ASP?
An Application Service Provider (ASP) provides applications and the IT infrastructure necessary to deliver them to customers on a subscription basis. ASPs host the applications from remote data centres and deliver them to multiple users via the Internet.
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How it works
Belengo FTS is installed and maintained at the hosting partner's data centre.
Belengo's hosting partner maintains the hardware, software and network systems to support Belengo FTS.
The data centre has IT personnel who perform the necessary maintenance on the systems, such as regular backups, disaster recovery procedures, installing software upgrades etc.
Customers access Belengo FTS using a secure log-in, a web browser and an Internet connection.
All reports and customer information can be printed at any time, anywhere - subject to your login security levels.
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